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Preview & Free First 10 Lessons
I offer a few classes for a free preview so that you can “try before you buy.” As well, I hope that this will help many directors who are brand new to Latin. By previewing the Challenge A through Challenge I resources, a director will have access through the first ten lessons of Henle Latin First Year.
Challenge I directors are often in a difficult situation as the year begins with an assumption that students have covered Lessons 1-29. Thus, the material moves very quickly, and the first week even covers Lessons 1-6. I purposefully left five weeks of preview in Challenge B as that will allow Challenge I directors to learn lessons 1-6 at a slower pace, if they so choose.
Hopefully, that will be a good foundation for those new to Latin, and also allow people to determine if my way of instructing will be helpful to them. Even better perhaps, many will get started down the path of Latin instruction, and they will determine they can continue on their own without the need of paying for my resources.
For those who do want to continue with my resources, then go to the signing up and costs page.
Challenge A Preview:
Challenge B Preview:
Challenge I Preview:
Challenge II Preview:
Challenge III Preview:
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